Project Reports

First Periodic Technical Report

Overview of results
Eight collections have been produced thus far, with a total of 1072 isolates of fungi and bacteria and five lines of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN, Heterorhabditis sp.) from Central America (specific objective 1). Details about their locations and composition are given in Deliverable D2.1. Procedures have been set up for large scale cultivation of microbial EBCAs, including EPN bioformulation and storage (Deliv D5.1). Data informative of the response of banana germplasm lines as hosts for a range of EBCAs have been produced (Deliv. D2.2). Dissemination, Communication and Project Management initiatives have been developed (WP10 and WP11), including the production of a Data Management Plan (Deliv. D10.6) and a Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (CDEP, Deliv. D10.1). A first set of eight Practice Abstracts has been produced, describing the issues afforded and the actual phytosanitary situation of banana crops (Deliv. D10.3). Several experiments in controlled or field conditions have been carried out with applicatin of EBCAs against PD, PPN and BW, as described for the WP2, 3 and 4. Three international meetings have been organized. As indicated in the report of the kick-off meeting, held on Aug. 29-31, 2017 at Tenerife (Del. D1.1), the Consortium also addressed in that occasion ethics and security issues (WP1, Del. D1.1). Two further Project meetings have been organized during 2018, the first by IITA at Kampal (Uganda) and the second by EARTH University in Costa Rica. All meetings were followed by a Workshop organized with local stakeholders on applied aspects of biological pest/disease management in banana productions.

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Second Periodic Technical Report

Explanation of the work carried out by beneficiaries and overview of progress
MUSA activities proceeded during months 19-36 developing the planned work on endophytes and biocontrol agents (EBCAs), with laboratory, greenhouse and field trials. Aim of the work has been to set up with stakeholders a number of innovative management approaches for pests and diseases of banana and enset (Ensete ventricosum). The threats considered are: plant parasitic nematodes (PPN), Fusarium wilt (FW) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) and banana weevil (BW, Cosmopolites sordidus). The Action is carried out in the three world regions interested by the Project (EU, in particular Canary Islands, Central America and sub Saharan Africa).

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